About Churches Together in Staplehurst
Churches Together in Staplehurst (formerly Staplehurst Fellowship of Churches) brings together representatives from All Saints Parish Church, Staplehurst Free Church, Staplehurst United Reformed Church and St Theodore’s Roman Catholic Church (in Cranbrook, but with members in Staplehurst).
Our activities normally include distributing cards to every house in Staplehurst at Christmas and Easter, listing special services at the participating churches, organising joint services for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January and the World Day of Prayer in March, coordinating collections in Christian Aid week, arranging a Good Friday witness at The Parade in Staplehurst, and encouraging occasional united services. We have also taken a lead in other ecumenical outreach activities as the occasion arises.

Our costs are mainly covered by the member churches, but we raise some funds ourselves by running a refreshment stall at the Village Fete.
The Churches of Staplehurst
Members of Churches Together in Staplehurst

Staplehurst United Reformed Church
High Street, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0AS

Staplehurst Free Church
Station Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0QQ

All Saints Parish Church
High Street, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0AX

St. Theodore’s Roman Catholic Church, Crandbrook
High Street, Cranbrook, Kent
TN17 3DT
Non-Member Churches in Staplehurst
For completeness – although not part of Churches Together
Providence Strict Baptist Chapel
Strict Baptist
Chapel Lane, Staplehurst, Tonbridge, KENT, TN12 0AN